Clean Itunes Library Mac Free

  1. Clean Itunes Library
  2. Clean Itunes Library Free
  3. Clean Itunes Library Mac Free Downloads
  • My wife was on me to clean up are music library on the mac over 15,000 songs did some search and fond your website. Your software was amazing it searched my library and found 99% of missing items I was amazed. Wish it was able to group all album songs to one folder but guess I will have to do a little work. I highly recommend give this a try.

    This program came in and wrecked utter havoc on my song tags. Everything was pretty good before, but some songs were missing lyrics and some songs were not tagged completely. The program came in and took my songs that were tagged correctly and renamed most of the albums, they didn't always have the correct album jacket or lyrics, and then it turned my iTunes music folder into a mess of new albums/folders. When I tried to correct the album info, I would have albums broken up into 4 different groupings with all the same tag info, but the groups would not mix together. I deleted this mistake of a program. I've been using iTunes for years and I have never seen anything so screwed up. I have since removed and re-added my entire library. It looks like most of it has been corrected, but holy crap, it has taken and it's going to take me many hours just to get back to what I had before.

    - Todd
  • I was very skeptical of tidymymusic, but I decided it couldn't hurt anything to try out the trial. I have a lot of korean music that I downloaded from youtube. I was not expecting this to be able to accurately identify the songs, but it did. I looked each of my ten trial songs up, and everything was spot on, except the genre. It said 'world' instead of pop/hip hop/R&B/kpop/etc. But overall, it did an exceptional job.

    La aplicación encuentra la información hasta de álbumes raros; desde el Pop más mainstream al JPOP y KPOP, y hasta géneros latinoamericanos como la Trova, Salsa, Son y Reggaetón. Me parece una excelente herramienta, sólo le haría falta que pudieras escribir tú mismo algún dato cuando el que tenía está mal y el que te propone no te agrada.

    - Swedborg Morales
  • Man-this software is awesome! I was able to tidy up my iTunes to look clean again!

    I did a review for my website. I myself only have a few songs, but others are using it too with lots of songs, and either way, we all love it. Here's the review so you can see how it works: I wasn't paid or anything. Just reviewing it as we review other software programs, but this one really stood out so I decided to come put it in comments how well it works and how much we all like it. =)

    - Kimberly Carver
  • I would like to add lyrics to my big music library of 8000 songs. But it’s a lot of work to do it one by one. I really love your program because it lets me add lyrics in batch. Have almost finished adding lyrics to all my songs now.

    Got it installed this morning. Works well on my iTunes library. Love it.

    - Christopher
  • Hey ....i have used this program to clean my music library! I am very very pleased. Thanks! The best program ever for tags. You will make as very happy if you release a version for windows! Thought there may be many people who want the same thing. Keep your good work and make us happy. Thanks.

    2. Definitely a quality product. It not only finds the artist, title, genre, but also album art, lyrics. I really love the album art. And it’s awesome that your program can help me remove duplicates in my library. Love it. Will recommend to my friends.

    - Thomas

How to Give Your Music Collection a Full Makeover

Quickly view all the duplicate tracks in your iTunes and Music library. Automatically select which tracks to keep based on quality, last played or length. Remove the rest to your recycle bin at the click of a button.

It can be aggravating when your iTunes music library is peppered with missing song, artist information, and album artwork when songs were not purchased on the iTunes Store. TidyMyMusic for Mac is an all-in-one solution which uses sophisticated acoustic fingerprint technology to accurately find and add artist name, song name, album art, genre info and more. You can even download and view song lyrics and weed out duplicate tracks.
  1. 1 Click to Manage Any Music Collection High-efficiently. Leawo Tunes Cleaner is an all-in-one iTunes cleanup program that could smartly clean up iTunes library, detect and delete duplicates in iTunes, get album artwork iTunes, download and add music tags like album, song name, artist, year, etc. To complete music info, allow manual editing of music tags, save unfixed music files.
  2. Let TidyMyMusic brighten up your iTunes library with the original album artwork, giving your music collection stunning visual appeal. Clean Your Music Library Once for All Devices The updated song information, located in the ID3 tag, is embedded into the MP3 file once it’s saved, letting you transfer and share your music with unlimited.
  3. Supported platform: macOS and Windows. ITunes 11 and later versions.
  4. The new Apple Music app is the ultimate music streaming experience on Mac. 1 Explore a library of over 75 million songs, discover new artists and tracks, find the perfect playlist, download and listen offline, or enjoy all the music you’ve collected over the years. And find it all in your music library on all your devices.

Fix Missing and Mislabeled Music Info

Say goodbye to labels like 'unknown artist' and 'Track 01' and say hello to complete song names and artist information. TidyMyMusic for Mac does it all fast and easy.

Find Missing Album Artwork with Ease

Don't settle for boring icons in your music library when you can instead have the original album artwork. TidyMyMusic for Mac finds and downloads album art so your library looks its best.

View Song Lyrics too!

When listening to your music, you might want to view the song lyrics so you can sing along. TidyMyMusic for Mac finds and downloads song lyrics for instant viewing.

Say Goodbye to Duplicate Songs

Duplicated MP3 files take up a lot of the valuable hard drive space. TidyMyMusic for Mac automatically identifies duplicates and it’s up to you to choose which one to stay and which has to go. And you can keep both if you like.

Take the Track Information on the Go

A permanent fix that you can take everywhere. The retrieved information or ID3 tag, including track details, album arts and lyrics, is embedded to the MP3 file itself. So you can sync all the information with the MP3 file to other devices like your iPod, iPad, iPhone and much more.

How to reset iTunes on macOS

Sometimes to go forward, you need to go back. iTunes is one of the most popular apps globally, and Apple has made some great strides over the years. There is no denying that iTunes is the media hub for many, but sometimes a new version arrives that is broken, or introduces a feature that you don’t like, or removes a feature that you did like.

That’s why in this guide, we’re going to show you how to take full control over your version of iTunes. We’ll cover how to reinstall iTunes, clean up iTunes junk files, perform a complete uninstall of iTunes and possibly even downgrade to an earlier version of iTunes.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Reinstall iTunes

Since Apple iTunes has gone away since the macOS Catalina update, the following steps can only work on earlier macOS versions.


A healthy iTunes is a great experience, but if the app starts behaving strangely, then it’s time to take action. If iTunes keeps playing Britney Spears music for no reason, your Mac is probably demonically possessed. Unfortunately, you will have to set fire to your Mac. It’s the only way.

However, if iTunes is merely crashing or freezing, then a simple iTunes reinstall should solve the problem. You could first try to download the latest version of iTunes and run the installer.


Even if it’s the same version as you have installed, this will reinstall iTunes without any hassles.

If that doesn’t fix the problem, you should completely uninstall iTunes before running the downloaded install.

Completely Uninstall iTunes

Whether you want a more effective reinstall of iTunes or if you want to remove the app from your life for good, we’ve got you covered. However, you may have realized that Apple doesn’t make it easy for you to uninstall iTunes, so it requires a few extra steps.

Note – A complete uninstall iTunes app will remove your user settings, playlists, etc.

To completely uninstall iTunes, follow these steps:

  1. Drag the desktop iTunes icon to the trash - if you receive an error, continue to step 2; if you don’t skip to step 6.
  2. Right-click file in the Applications folder and click Get Info.
  3. Click the padlock icon and enter your Admin Password.
  4. Expand Sharing & Permissions and set 'everyone' to Read & Write.
  5. Close the window and try step 1 again.
  6. Empty the Trash.
  7. Type Activity Monitor into Spotlight and launch the app.
  8. Find iTunes Helper and remove it.
  9. Navigate to Library > Preferences and remove files with '' at the beginning.
  10. Restart your Mac.

Clean iTunes Junk

Speaking of cleaning iTunes, if you use the app – even if it runs perfectly - you should try out CleanMyMac’s specialist iTunes Junk cleaner. You wouldn’t believe all the wasted space iTunes takes up thanks to broken downloads, copies of apps, old backups, and all sorts of other junk.

Clean Itunes Library

ItunesClean itunes library mac free version

A quick scan from CleanMyMac, and you’ll be given the option to clear up a lot of space – space that can be used for more important things. No, not Britney Spears' albums.

The iTunes Junk feature is only available on macOS 10.14 or earlier.

Downgrade iTunes to an earlier version

There comes a time where a new version of iTunes makes us wish we never updated in the first place. However, we want to be clear that the best thing to do is give the new version time, see if there isn’t a workaround to solve whatever is bothering you and submit feedback to Apple.

If you’re impatient and want to roll back iTunes now, then there is a method that could achieve exactly that. But, of course, this solution will only be possible if you use Time Machine to create regular backups.

Important Note – Before you begin, make sure to create a Time Machine backup. If anything goes wrong, you can just restore to the current version of macOS.

Here's how to downgrade iTunes:

  1. Type Activity Monitor into Spotlight and launch the app.
  2. Find iTunes Helper and remove it.
  3. Type Terminal into Spotlight and launch the app.
  4. Type sudo rm –r /Applications/ and press Return.
  5. Type Time Machine into Spotlight and launch the app.
  6. Restore the version of iTunes you want from the relevant Time Machine backup.
  7. Also, restore these files from the ~/Music/iTunes folder:
    iTunes Library Extras.itdb
    iTunes Library Genius.itdb
    iTunes Library.itl
    iTunes Music Library.xml

iTunes should now be reverted to an old version, with all your settings and data intact.

Putting the “I” Back In iTunes

We hope that this guide helped you to feel more in control of your iTunes for Mac. There is no doubting that iTunes is an awesome app, but Apple’s insistence can be a bit overhanded at times. Now you can make iTunes cleaner with CleanMyMac X, fix a broken iTunes, downgrade iTunes to an earlier version and even uninstall iTunes completely.

Clean Itunes Library Free

You have the control and the power. Use it wisely.

Clean Itunes Library Mac Free Downloads

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